Thursday, January 7, 2010

Boot(y) Camp

Meet Nigel. He’s a boot camp trainer. Allow me to introduce you. Yah – he’s mean. He’s lean. He’s a training machine. So let me tell you how I met this guy, whom I like, but don’t particularly care for.

A few months ago, I got a crazy hankering to increase my workout intensity. I work out at the Blue Ash YMCA with the zaniest group of morning folks you’ll ever meet. I was yammering on, complaining that the current offerings for Boot Camp class were all for the moms who didn’t have to work – 9:00 class?? Seriously? I’m 63 emails into work by then! “Nigel, come on, offer the class to those of us who really work out! We’re crazy! We come in here at 5am (most of the time…)! We’re hardcore!”

Lesson learned? Be careful what you ask for. So I have been getting the crap kicked out of me for about a week now (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6am sharp), asking, red-faced and pleading, “Bear crawls? What the…again? How many times?” I am not much the praying type by any stretch of the means, but I tell you what – I’ve prayed quite a bit between the hours of six and seven lately. Please God, don’t let me puke. Please God, don’t let me be humiliated (again). Please God, when I do the 435th squat, don’t let me fart.

Which brings me to booty. Nigel’s answer to our pleading? “Do you want a tight butt, or not?” Ugh – yah – I guess I do. And so I have dubbed this little adventure "Booty Camp," where working girls like me go in hopes of (painfully) gaining that tight little, J-Lo, you-can-bounce-a-ball-off-it buttocks. Now, let me get in a quick little prayer before tomorrow morning: “May the Lord bless us and keep us safe from the wrath of Nigel…and please God, don’t let me fart.”


OU Girl said...

MJ- I love it. Sorry, I let you hanging yesterday. I literally passed out from exhaustion! My.Life.Must.Slow.Down. So sad I couldn't do this with you, but heck...Jill + 6 a.m. Workout = Complete Disaster. It would quickly go from Booty Camp to Bitchy Camp ... 0 to 60 in .01 seconds. :) When this is over, join me for a yoga detox session - yum! Luv u, girl! Jill :)

Mary Jo McClain said...

THANKS! I know I am going to love this - it just feels very freeing to be raw in what I want to wright! ;)

M.Monkey said...

Funny! I would say it's inspirational, but... it's just so damn efficient it's intimidating. :)

Dammit, why did I have to miss out on the H? You get things done. I am more often -- a whole lot more often -- still awake at 5 am than getting up. I've got the A and both the Ds. I want my H.

Amy said...

OMgosh! Please don't let me fart -- totally one of my secret workout fears. No problem when it's just me and Denzel in the basement. But at the gym?! Heaven help me!

Mary Jo McClain said...

There is nothing worse than squatting and a little "pooof" eeks out! I've been blesses to only experience this solo, but I am betting scared in boot camp class...